It’s the last official day of school for my youngest son (Freshmen Year). And As I was praying over his day; I heard the Lord whisper in my spirit, “Faith In Focus!” As moms, we believe the very best for our children, and if we are not careful;...
A few weeks back, I felt led to share/post encouragement to parents…. and today I felt led to share again to this site: Today is a very special day for two of our children!!!! And My husband and I are pulling double duty to be available and support them both!...
Current Situation: Worship Music playing softly in my ear, while my heart is in pursuit of the King!” There in the stillness, I can discern His Presence! His love surrounds me, and all I can do is offer up Praise!! I’m usually asleep by this Time, but not...
Last Night’s Sermon, amazing! It was filled with powerful truths and golden nuggets. Here are a few of my notes; We have to believe that it is God’s Will to Heal Us God Can God Can, and God Will God Can, and God Will Heal Me God Can, and God Will Heal Me...
Preparing my heart for tonight’s service, planning center on repeat, hands raised in total surrender, while tears are flowing freely! He is a God who continues to Amaze me! I am so grateful for His Unending, Unyielding love towards us all. It’s easy to...
Up this morning praying & interceding for us moms, and our children. A mother’s heart is always with her children (even when they are long gone from home/ young adults with their own families). Here are a few scriptural prayers for our children that I...
These past few weeks have been super busy, a true walk of faith! I haven’t had the opportunity to sit and blog, I mean really blog (though, I’ve been writing/studying, just not blogging). Mommy duties, Wife duties, Business-in-the-making duties, extra...
I would like to personally invite you to Church on the Rock this weekend for one of our Easter Services. Times are as follows: Saturday at 5pm, Sunday at 9/11 or Online (9/11) For More Information Check out:
Today’s Study: “Unborn generations are depending on our faithfulness today! As we teach our children about the Lord, so they will teach their children and their children’s children. If we fail to tell our children about the Lord, we may well be...
Here are a Few Golden Nuggets from Today’s Service (Check Out The Podcast for More); His Grace brings Transformation Changed from the inside out Made into the person God created us to be His Grace brings Identification; Only in Christ can I Find God!!!! Only in...