In This Week’s VLOG, we began a Journey Thru The Music. #AllMonthLong We will answer questions like; 1. “What is the Difference between Praise & Worship? 2. “Why Do We Worship?” 3. What Affect Does Worship Have on Our Quiet-Time (It is the...
One of the best decisions we can make this year is to commit to continuous growth! We all want to enhance the quality of our lives, become better people, achieve more, impact more lives, and overall become better rounded individuals. That’s why I believe it’s...
Part 4 | The Power of Expectation: “It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, & discipline that enabled us to follow through” Z. Ziglar. Your Expectations are revealed in the way you Speak, in what you Think and...
To Dream Big is a Matter of Choice, To Reach That Dream is a Matter of Discipline! I believe that if you want to achieve any thing great in life, you need to set goals. They are a great way to determine a clear direction of where you want to go. Goals are the...
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” Henry Ford This week’s VLOG is now up and available on Youtube, Click Here to view! Our thought life plays a huge part in the way we view life. #perspective We need to be very...
For most, 2016 was a banner year of both challenges and triumphs alike. We persevered through the difficult times learning some very valuable life lessons, while also enjoying many victories as the year progressed. #Perspective At the start of the year(2016), remember...
Do the words of your mouth and the attitude of your heart bring honor to the Lord? Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin once said, “Faith begins where the will of God is known.” You must know the Word of God in order to believe what the Word says. If you believe...
Hey Guys, it’s that time of week again! #TuesdayBlogRelease #ExcitedAndReadyToShare It all comes down to one thing, “BELIEVE GOD!” That word resonated in my spirit from this past weekend’s sermon. #JanuarySermonSeries #NoLimitsCOTR How often...
I know a lot of us are starting this year off with some very high expectations! My latest VLOG, “The Power of Expectation (A New Years’ Message | 2017) is now up on YouTube. #Excited All month long, we will be talking about The Power of Expectation! If...
For some of us it comes down to just that; Starting our day off right! Each morning brings a fresh, new start and a world of endless possibilities. Do you embrace the new day with open arms? Or do you dread the day ahead? Have you ever had a bad day, and thought never...