One of the best lessons I’ve learned in 2018, was on the importance of being “Intentional.” That lesson has truly positioned me to get the most out of 2019.

I’ve allowed the Lord to stretch & challenge my thinking. And, In doing so, I’ve been able to “level up” in most areas of my life. Perfect, No! Just in Process…

Knowing how far I’ve come, and realizing how far I have to go is humbling. And this process has caused me to have even more grace for others as they are in “process.” #LifeLongLearner

For example; it’s really cool watching my youngest son, “become!” Although we may not always agree on approach, his creative juices are beginning to flow, and he is finding “his” true, authentic voice. This journey of parenting has not always been easy for Terence & I, we began this journey as teenagers.

It’s been both scary and exciting at times. We’ve done the work. We’ve raised them with the word, in church, and on our knees yielding in prayer. We’ve done our best. We were young, and our knowledge was limited (but we wholeheartedly put our trust in Him (God). We’ve made many mistakes down through the years, but that was one of the best decisions we ever made. And we are “working” to trust him even more. We believe God, and we trust Him with their lives (Now unto him | Ephesians 3:20….). They are; #SafeInHisArms

I’ve found the value of loosening my grip, and trusting Him (God) more! And it has brought me a greater peace in parenting our 4 children (now young adults). “Not everything has to be perfect for me (for us) to move forward! But, forward we must move in faith, allowing God to guide our footsteps!

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage parents (of all walks of life | from young parents to empty nesters); “Do The Work!” And when I say work, I mean on you (“yes, you!”). I woke up this morning with this word burning in my spirit (“like a fire, shut up in my bones”).

The greatest thing that we can do, as parents, for our families is to allow God to “Do The Work” in and through us. I believe the more we allow God to work on those inner most parts of our being, the more we began to “become” more like Him! And when we become more like Him (God), we become more of a light within our families and it helps us to “Do The Work” in parenting. It is extremely important that we be intentional in our family relationships!

Food For Thought: “If you want to bring happiness to the whole world, go home and love your family.” Mother Teresa #thinkaboutthat

Terence and I are the parents of 4 (Our oldest, our daughter is an attorney | Our oldest son is a Full-Time Engineering student (with less than a year to go, as well as on the verge of breaking into the music industry in New York (his passion) | Our middle son in a Sergeant in the United States Army | and Our youngest is a Sophomore in College (Believing to start his own business)…. Trust and Believe (not perfect, just in process), And we are careful to give God all of the glory!!!!

“Moms & Dads, If you don’t see it now, I believe you will... Just have Faith! “Eyes haven’t seen, nor ears heard…(2 Cor 2:9)I choose to believe, “Great Things are Coming.” #BelieveIt #ReceiveIt and #WalkItOut

Your Best Days Are Ahead!