Food For Thought: Shift is defined as; “to move or cause to move from one place to another. A slight change in position, direction or tendency.” Question: When it comes down to it, will you be able to make the necessary changes in order to achieve your God-given purpose?

To avoid stagnation, it’s important that changes be made almost continuously. No matter what it is; developing your skills, taking a course or two, changing up your routine – you are your own boss in life and a huge amount of change comes from within!

Recently, Hubby and I made one such change! We had been attending the same church for over 18 years and felt it was time to, “shift.” We believed that God was taking us in a “New” direction. It was’t an easy decision, but it was a necessary one. It was important for us to follow the leading of the Lord. So, we stepped out in faith. #goingnotknowing

We immediately began attending another church in the area (and really thought that one was it | we were looking forward to their outreach ministry). But, in the middle of plugging in, I received a call from a friend, whose church was in need of help, and God clearly spoke to Terence and I (and we obeyed). #YesLord #SurrenderedLives.

A long time ago, I made a commitment to God; That I would go where “He” told me to go and do what “He” told me to do. #HisHandsHisFeet So here we are, serving in our local church (less than 10 minutes from our home), believing to see God move in extraordinary ways.

The Lord put this particular blog on my heart nearly 2 months ago, but quicken into my spirit to release it on today. To encourage someone that was needing to hear this message.

“Real change is difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. Change begins the moment you get the courage and step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” 
― Roy T. Bennett

Terence and I are committed to following God in every area of our lives and because of that, “He” has been blessing the fruit of our hands. I can’t wait to share with you all what He has been up to in our lives! #staytuned

  • Change ensures life stays exciting
  • Change leads to “New” opportunities and experiences
  • Change means progress
  • Change will happen rather you want it to or not. So embrace it!

God may be asking you to switch things up! To shift! He may be leading you to; “step outside of your comfort zone (where everything around you feel safe/familiar).”

Let me encourage you; “Do It!” It’s time for you to shift “into your brilliance!”

“Change is your friend, not your foe. Change is a brilliant opportunity to grow.” Simon T Bailey #Selah #TimeForChange