Food For Thought: “Spread love everywhere you go, let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Mother Teresa #MakeADifference

My blog, “A Journal of Love” began the day I discovered, “my why.” Mark Twain once said; “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Ever thought about what your purpose is in life? Some of us live our entire lives trying to figure out the purpose of our existence. Some people fail, and some succeed. And then there are those people who know their purpose, but still they get diverted from them. Been there, Done That (“I wont do that no more | My lessons, made blessings…..”). #LevelUp Can you relate?

When you know the purpose of your life you tend to live a more meaningful existence than those who do not. You tend to live each day to the fullest, because you know who you are, whose you are, where you’re coming from, and where you’re going.

This month (May 2019) has been super busy. This blog will be the only one released for this month. I made a commitment to help out a few people and it was a huge success. A difference was made! #HisHandsHisFeet

“A Journal of Love” focuses on Faith & Family. It’s purpose is to encourage you in your walk with the Lord, and to inspire you to live out your God-given potential! It’s Not just a “Pep Talk.”

It’s a love letter encouraging others to “Get To Know God” in a deeper, more intimate way. To trust Him (God) more, and to seek Him in a greater way!

One of the only ways we can truly learn to trust God more is by getting to know Him better. We get to know Him better; through His Word, through Praise/Worship & Prayer!

It’s important to always know the, “why!” It keeps us focused on what matters most. #Prioritize #Energize You’re “why” matters!

Today’s blog is all about encouraging you to get alone with God, and discover His purpose for your life…. #YourWhy

Knowing your why;

  1. Helps you stay focus
  2. Brings clarity
  3. Causes you to rely on/trust God more
  4. It energizes you, and ignites your passion
  5. It cause you to live grateful

Be Intentional! And Remember; #YourBestDaysAreAlwaysAhead