Food For Thought: There are reasons and there are seasons for everything in life. The fearful are concerned with the former, the fearless, with the latter. The choice is always yours. #FearExistOnlyInYourMind

One of the biggest life lessons I learned in 2018, besides the importance of being “Intentional,” was on the importance of “Balance!” I’m just speaking to myself, and about myself… “a sister needed that word!” Yes, me and my insatiable desire to be, and do all. #Prioritize #Energize

As women, our schedules can make us feel a bit overwhelmed, out of sorts, and even out of balance?  Between working long hours at the office, rushing to get the children off to school (to practices and/or games), serving (in church/within our communities) or writing your latest book/novel (smile), have you felt that there are just not enough hours in the day to get it all done?  If so, you are not alone.  Many of us feel the pressures of everyday life more and more these days.  If you are feeling this way, then it’s probably a good time to take inventory of your life so that you can get back on track..

This month (April), all about, “Balance.”

“Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.” Galatians 6:4-5

A Christian perspective to having a balanced life begins by examining your relationship with God.

As your life becomes more in synch with God, you will realize that even in times of struggle your life will continue to be balanced if your focus remains on Him.  

This truth; I’ve learned very well. “No,” “No Thank” or “Not at this Time” are not bad words! #Balance

5 Signs that your life is out of Balance;

  1. A Negative Attitude: When life gets out of wack, people can get stressed or frustrated causing a negative shift in attitude.
  2. Sleep Troubles: It may be a sign that things aren’t well.
  3. Constant Frustration: A major sign an individual’s life may be out of balance is when you notice them becoming easily frustrated or angered by situations that are normally tolerable.
  4. Bad Eating Habits: For some this may mean eating too much, for others it may mean not eating enough.
  5. Lack of Exercise or Physical Activity: Exercise doesn’t just help the body feel good, it helps the mind as well. Exercise and physical activity cause the body to produce endorphins, which act as a natural painkiller and help relieve stress.

Tips For Finding Balance (These simple steps will help any individual achieve balance in life).

  • Pray Ask God for Help
  • Create a Schedule: Planning for the day, week or even month can help make things less hectic.
  • Talk to Someone: People find comfort in speaking to family and friends that know their situation, while others prefer to speak with professionals. Either way, venting to someone can help you feel less alone.
  • Prioritize: Everything must have a recognizable value and level of importance. For example, most people would list relationships and friendships as a high-level priority, while a low-level priority might be unnecessary activities.
  • Plan Free Time Out of the House: Planning ahead is crucial.

My prayer is that this blog will help those of you (who like me, have a tendency to over commit), gain a greater focus on what is “most important” to you! My top 5 may not be the same as your top 5. But hopefully all of us are, “keeping, First Thing First (our Relationship with God), “ as well as prioritizing our family time. We can do this! #BelieveIt #ReceiveIt and #WalkItOut

Remember, Your Best Days Are Always Ahead!!!! #BEFearless #FaithForward