Food For Thought: Christianity is a constant process of growing up…. no matter how mature we believe ourselves to be, we still need to grow. #ThinkAboutThat

At the beginning of 2018, we knew change was coming. We could sense it in our spirit. Once God began to reveal what that change would be, “fear began to creep in (for me), hubby (not so much). He was willing.

We knew that others would question our decision and even try to ascribe “Motive.” But we were determined to say, “No” to fear! And, “Yes” to Faith! #FaithForward

We are Committed to following God in every area of our lives!

The Lord spoke; “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Challenging us to “Level Up” in every area of our life. #Faith #Family #Fitness #BeautifulWorksInProcess

Our decision has brought about much fruit in our lives. We are grateful!

Something New: We have begun attending a weekly Bible Study together (hubby & I), Surrounded by people who are passionate, “about their faith,” “about their family,” & “about their community.”

This journey seems to be drawing us closer, and closer to God. In just a few short weeks, I will begin attending a “Women’s Bible Study (as well). #excited God is doing something Fresh & New in our lives (2019), and our obedience is what initiated it. God is Faithful and We are Thankful.

“My soul thirsts for God, for the living God…. Psalm 42:2

This month (March) is all about encouraging you to; “Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone.”And to Allow God to Stretch you beyond what you even thought possible. We will explore this topic as it relates to “our Faith,” “our Family,” and “Fitness!” #LifeLongLearners

As promised, this year’s Blog/VLOGS are a bit more personal. My prayer is that it is a blessing to you on your “Personal Faith Journey,” as it is to me on mine. God bless you all, and Remember your best days are “Always” Ahead of You! This is your year! #Breakthrough #BelieveIt #ReceiveIt & #WalkItOut