Food For Thought: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln

If you don’t take control over the direction your life is heading, you could end up anywhere. And “anywhere” might not end up being a good place. #faithforward #Intentional

A Journal of Love is a Blog/VLOG that focuses mainly on “Faith & Family.” A few years back, I added “fitness” (in response to a health crises).

Prescribed steroids (side-effects) did a number on my health (& my waistline). This year, I’m determined to be intentional in “My Fitness Journey (2019).”

My journey is not just about weight-loss. It’s about being “Fit For The Journey.” One week (out of each month), I will be documenting that journey on this platform.

My prayer/hope is to be ready for my “2nd” half-marathon by the end of this year. #staytuned

Exercise and stress management are very important pieces to the health puzzle; it’s not whole without them. But, nutrition is the biggest piece of the picture. “You can’t outrun your fork.”

Healthy Weight Loss = 80% Nutrition + 20% Exercise #LetsDoThis