My current situation: #WorshipMusicOnRepeat #FeetUp #InRestingMode

Just an observation; I may be considered a rare breed (I don’t know), but I love variety. When things (Music) stay the same for too long, I get bored (just being honest). I enjoy different styles of music (gospel & christian mostly), with my favorite being, worship (that feeds my spirit). I refuse to get stuck in a rut! I believe that God is Always doing a New Thing! And with that being said, change is always good, as long as it points people to the saving knowledge of Christ!

I lean in, I press in, I worship; the King of kings and the Lord of lords no matter what may be going on! He is Everything to Me!  Don’t get me wrong & Don’t get it Twisted (smile), I love the oldies but goodies as well (songs that pierce your heart and lead you straight to the Throne Room of Christ – Mahalia Jackson is one of my Favorites).

I am so very thankful for His Saving Grace & for His Blood (that will “Never lose It’s Power” – Power to heal | Power to restore). To Know Him is To Truly Love Him. We serve a Wonder-Working God! #createdtoworship Unto you oh Lord, I give my Heart! #pouringoutmypraise

In the Reed household; My youngest son plays on a traveling “Christian Homeschool” basketball team, and their season is beginning to come to an end, keeping this mom on her toes. The last game went into double overtime and I was almost 7 hours away from home. I was hoping to get home sooner but didn’t arrive home till early the next morning. I missed Sunday Service (which is rare for me). When traveling, we usually visit other churches, and watch ours on-line. #StayingTrueToOurFaith #StayingTrueToOurGod But this past Sunday, I was at bedside assembly (watching church on-line | Thanking God for Technology). #momlife Hubby didn’t take this trip with us, so He was at church (I love him), and he had to work during the week. As parents, we sacrifice so much for our children. And I believe that God honors our sacrifice.

God has called me to a time of Prayer and Fasting & I am loving it. #Unplugging  Not doing as much as I normally do, but taking time out to focus more on Him (The Lord)…. #momonthego 

We, as moms, are not super human, contrary to popular belief, we can not do it all (or, at least, I can’t). I am one that, if I am not careful, I will over commit. At one point, I was on the go from Monday through Sunday (6am till sometimes around 9pm or later | Helping in the Schools, Serving at Church, and being there for both my friends, and my family (I am thankful for understanding friends | I have so many amazing friends that are doing great things right now – and I love offering my support when I can). Also, let us not forget about me being available to help out and support my son and his team). God started to do surgery on my life (removing things and a few people – as I stated before). He spoke! and #BalanceWasNeeded 

An injury/diagnosis to my heel/foot has slowed me down a bit (from standing for long periods of time), and The doctor said six weeks of rest/physical therapy(Mondays/Wednesdays) , or surgery. I choose to rest (no surgery for me). Note: Staying off your feet for six weeks, when you are the mother of a very active teen can be quite difficult, but necessary (lol).  Right now I’m home, writing,  with my feet up (in- a bit of pain (from the recent “Bball” activities/long drive – But God, He is my Healer).

Also, my middle son just made it in from Alaska (short visit). This time he flew in, in stead of trying to take that long drive (who knew | inside joke for those who really know me). My heart is so Full right now! I am so very thankful that God has called me to be a Wife and to be a Mom. I am one blessed wife and momma (soon to be empty-nester | new season coming) .

I’m looking forward to April, but am also enjoying this season of rest, prayer & fasting. Rest is important to your spiritual walk with the Lord, and many Christians today don’t appreciate the value of it. Rest allows our mind, body, and soul to renew and start with even more strength and focus. March is going to be an amazing month. I believe that! #ASeasonOfRest

Let me leave you with this; We all go through different seasons of life. And, I believe that it is of utmost importance that we make a decision to;  “Enjoy the different Seasons of Life!” #enjoythejourney #embracethemoments and remember, that “Your Best Days Are Always Ahead!”