God’s invitation for us to draw close to him knows no end! #ILoveThis

Do you have a plan for growing spiritually? If not, It’s not too late! Take pen to paper and start by writing out a plan to ensure forward movement. If you don’t want to end this year the same way you began, then it’s time to take action. “Find/Create A Bible Reading Plan!”  One of the best advice ever given/received.

For me, I use the “One Year Bible Plan (Various Translations). ” I don’t always get it right!  Sometimes, I confess, the cares of life can creep in and I will miss a day, or two, or three! When that happens I can tell the difference. #HisPresenceIsMyPriority 

It is in His presence where I find peace! It is in His presence where I find joy! And, it is in His presence where I find rest! Today’s blog is simply about finding yourself in His presence. #Closer

Saw this quote online earlier today, and I felt led to share it with you: “Your steps have been ordered…”So get ready for a season of BIG STEPS!” #YourBestDaysAreAlwaysAhead

Oh, how I love Him!