Here with this week’s VLOG, “Part 2 | Power Points for Increase (Book Study).” To View on YouTube click here

Be sure to check back every week for updates. All month long on both the written and video blog we will be talking about power points for increase based on a book by Dr Increase (Bob Harrison).

“It’s  common to find people who desire to improve their lives but don’t know exactly what to do and/or how, where and when to activate their plans. Whether you are one of them, or simply want to better your life, the stories and principles in this book can give you that needed direction.” Bob Harrison

A Word Of Encouragment: We’ve all faced it at one time or another (challenges in our finances).  This book serves as a reminder that  God’s word is Powerful, and Sharper than any two-edged Sword! I, for one, am excited about this journey. With the eye of Faith, I see breakthrough coming before the end of this month! Do you see it? Do you Believe it?  #Increase #Flourish2017

Remember, your best days are always ahead! Reach out and grab a hold of the promises of God! #TestimoniesAreComing