The Lord woke me up early this morning, and prompted me in my spirit to share this Word Of Encouragement with you; He is a Healer, And His Healing Mercies Are New Everyday! It is only for us, as believers to reach out and take hold of His Promises! #HeIsFaithful and as for us, “The Just Shall Live By Faith!” Habakkuk 2:4

As believers we are to live by faith, not by sight. There are times when the situations we are in or the circumstances of our life may appear to indicate that God is not for us or that He is giving us too much to handle. Yet even in difficult times we are to live by faith in God’s word which tells us despite our circumstances God is for us and not against us. We need to live by faith in the promises of God’s word not what our feelings may tell us.

In September, While in the process of training for my 2nd Half Marathon, I ended up in the emergency room with complications of Asthma. Years before diagnosed with mild asthma, yet never once had I experienced what I had been experiencing…. In The Natural I Felt Horrible! #LordINeedYou

It was during that time that I was told that my plans to run in my 2nd Half would need to be placed on hold. “Wow, What? Lord, I believed, and By Faith I saw The Finish Line!”  #VLOGComingSoonOnThis I found myself fighting back tears, and fending off disappointment! #IRunByFaith 

I was put on a round of medicine that just didn’t work, instead of improving, my health was beginning to decline. I was tired all of the time, and would find myself sleeping through the night and then again through most of the day (If I stayed still long enough, ha). I fasted, and a few of my friends and my family joined in with me in praying for total and complete healing! #ThePowerOfAgreement 

Still, no progress! It was hard to concentrate and I was still a bit foggy, But Healed by Faith! I began to feed upon His word like never before (especially Healing Scriptures). I also began to Decree and Declare using His Word, instead of my own.

Soon, I begin to Hear the Word of the Lord speak concerning my health; He said it was one of the medications that I was on. I consulted the doctor, he agreed and changed my medication, and almost immediately the fog lifted. #PraiseGod #Manifestation 

Since then, I have logged in over 10 miles #WalkingByFaith #StrongerByTheDay and am back to writing with a clear mind! I am truly thankful for His Amazing Grace, for His Word, and for His Unending, Unyielding Love toward us! I thank God for His Healing Mercies, and that they are new everyday. #ForeverGrateful

I want to encourage those of you out there who are dealing with similar issues (weather it be in your Health, your Finances or In Relationships) find peace within the pages of His Word! #Decree #Declare I’m a witness, It’s no fun when you’re not feeling your best. #Smile Determine in your heart to keep going after God! #StayFocus Don’t allow the cares of this world to snatch His Word out of your life! #GoDeeper

Receive the Word That The Lord Has For You Today! #NothingIsImpossibleForHim