Did you know that what you think about Matters? Your thought-life can lead you to a more blessed life. A Blessed Mind, A Blessed Life! Check out my latest VLOG: Live Free, Live Full, Live Lite (Quiet-Time Review) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ujV9fIV7ok

This VLOG is dedicated to those individuals who have allowed wrong thinking to stop them from going in and possessing the promises of God. Like Joshua and Caleb (scripture reference Number 13), we need to know that our God is well-able to bring us safely into the promised land. Yes, there may be giants in the land, but it’s important that we not have a, “Grasshopper Mentality” but a “Can Do (w/God) Mentality!”  You Are More Than A Conqueror In Christ Jesus!  #BelieveIt #ReceiveIt #WalkItOut #YourBestDaysAreAhead #LiveFreeLiveFullLiveLite

This week’s VLOG was inspired by this past weekend’s sermon, “Freedom (How to Live A Free, Full, Lite, Life)” by Pastor Blunt (be sure to check out the podcast)