I’ve heard it said that we don’t see things as they are, but we see things as we are. Perspective is Key to Our Christian Walk! When I approach life, I look for opportunities to Bless, and to Be a Blessing. It brings me great joy to serve others. Throughout my years of walking with Christ, I’ve found He keeps me in a permanent state of transition. And I’ve learned a little about the potential for joy when you allow the Holy Spirit to keep “flex” in your soul. I never want to become stodgy, unshapeable, or inflexible. So my response to God is always with an open hand. “Here am I Lord, Send Me!”

The Bible says that we are to “Use Well The Gifts That God Has Given Us To Serve Others(1 Peters 4:10),” and my aim in life is to do just that! Recently, I was blessed with an opportunity to serve (temporary) in a school in my community(Full-Time). I looked at my schedule, then I looked at God! He whispered a Yes, in my spirit, and my response was a position of prayer, and surrender. Yesterday, After coming home from a long day, I served my family (washed four loads of clothes, folded/put away, cooked, and washed the dishes), then I headed to church, where I was blessed with the opportunity to serve on the Worship Team. It was a long day, and The Lord was Faithful. #TheJoyofTheLordisMyStrength I am awe of What God is doing! Tuesday’s Blog was a special invitation! Today, I Write(Smile).

I find great joy in Serving others, and have found it true that as you serve others, you are serving Him. #HisHandsHisFeet I want to encourage you that no matter what may be going on in your life, look for opportunities to Serve/Be a Blessing during this Holiday Season.

Fill your mind with truth (God’s Word), your heart with love, and your life with service. #GoodMorningHolySpirit