Dear Friends, I am so very excited about “A Journal of Love (my blog)”  This site, which originated in 2010, was recently revamped to start 2015 fresh and anew. To say that I am excited about this blog is an understatement. I am beyond excited! It was birthed, and revamped out of my quiet time. It’s focus; Faith & Family with an underlying theme of Cultivating the Love of God.

In it I will share my personal faith journey, while at the same time, sharing uplifting material to help inspire, and encourage you on yours.  I am excited about growing through this journal, delving deeper into His word, and endeavoring to be More Like Him (especially as it relates to my Faith, and Family).

I believe cultivating the love of Christ, and sharing it with others is key to our Christian journey… I’ve heard it said that; “without love the gifts of God are useless. And without those gifts in operation in our lives, we are ultimately useless to God(Taffi Dollar).”  I believe that in order for us to truly impact our Families, and our Communities for Christ, we must continue to cultivate the Love of Christ in our lives. In Matthew 24:4-12, it says that the love of many will grow cold in the last days. Let that not be said of us! Cultivating the Love of God is Vital to our Christian Walk, and very relevant for This Day and Hour that we live in!

I’m excited about going beyond the norm, building spiritual muscle, and taking on new territory for Christ this year! My hope is that, “A Journal of Love,” will motivate and inspire you on your journey. I believe that we are stronger together. Iron sharpens Iron!!!

Sincerely, Your Sister in Christ, Marvlun Reed