I thought it was time to move on from this subject, but the Lord prompted me in my spirit, “not yet!” So out of obedience, I will continue to write!

Our friendships, they matter! Especially, those who we have chosen to bring “Close.” Personally, in my 48 years on this earth, I have chosen to walk away from only 2 individuals (inner-circle) – and it was in response to the Lord’s prompting. As a rule, I don’t “throw away people,” nor will I ever start! But God, He showed me the affects that these two individuals (both females) were having on my life. It was not an easy decision, but a necessary one.

Let me be clear; ending a friendship (for me) is not deleting someone off of Social Media (some people take that vehicle way too seriously- real friendships are not forged online). I do go through and purge my list quite often. It is not that I don’t like the person, just not interested in following them. Me, myself – I have been unfriended, and blocked off of people’s pages that I still communicate with (I don’t take it personal). It’s a personal choice! And, I am not easily offended… so, It doesn’t bother me.

I am by nature a very quiet person. I love to laugh & have fun with those I consider friends (we joke around), but for the most part, I’m pretty quiet and reserved. I love people.  And, I love meeting and connecting with them, but I am fueled by my alone time | my quiet-time (Introvert/Extravert) .

I’ve sat back and watched as people have tried to vilify and ascribe motive to others, but as for me; I’ll just leave that one up to God! Jeremiah 17:10 says,” Only the Lord knows! He searches all hearts and examines deepest motives so he can give to each person his right reward, according to his deeds—how he has lived.”

If God has me sharing (this blog), there is a reason. And, I am careful to follow His lead! I use to hear my pastor say all of the time: “Be Selective, In Order To Be Effective!” and “Show Me Your Friends and I’ll Show You Your Future:” Honestly, I really didn’t get it before. Not until recently (December 2017 | during a fast), when God revealed to me what “Idle Conversation” was. Let me be clear, Idle, not Gossip! I Hate Gossip with a Passion! I was unaware of the affects of Idle Conversations, and God brought revelation! I found myself face down on the floor in a repentant state, allowing God to do a “perfecting work” in me. I would be on the phone with this one individual for hours & hours (taking away from my prayer time | my family time | my writing time) talking about nothing of any real significance. I received a strong rebuke and clear direction! After that, the Lord prompted me to write a “blog series” on friendship, and so I did!

Our friendships, they matter! Be careful who you bring into your inner circle. Some people are toxic to you. It may be time for a purge!  I don’t do gossip, and when I see individuals betraying another’s trust and sharing – pretending it to be of good intentions – I run. Gossip is dangerous! 90 percent of it may be true, but it’s that 10 percent that you have to worry about! Be careful who you share your hurts/disappointments with. I say, give it all to God! But if you do share, be sure it’s with someone you can trust.

Recently, I saw a post from Beth Moore that really spoke to me: It spoke of Christians sacrificing (setting aside) the Bible (Truth), for Love! Her post was about having the courage to live in the “Tension of both Truth & Love.”  That quote spoke to my spirit and summed up this blog series perfectly. Love people, but don’t sacrifice the Truth of God’s word for that Love! My former pastor (WCC) use to say, if it don’t line up with the word of God, “Run!”  How I apply that to friendships/relationships: If that relationship is causing any sort of separation between you and God (Grieving The Holy Spirit), run. “Protect your Anointing!” “Guard Your Heart!” and “Be Diligent & Intentional in Your Relationships!”

Gossip is dangerous! It Kills, Steals and Destroys; “Relationships, Families and/or Organizations!” If you yourself, or someone you know is participating in it – “Stop It! Most times, it comes in the guise of a prayer request. “We need to pray for so and so!”  That’s the trick of the enemy- and it brings division! Distance yourself! Like I said before, 90 percent of it could be good, but it is that 10 percent that you have to watch out for (with Gossip & Idle conversations).

Non of us are perfect! This blog does not come to bring condemnation. Just to help make you aware of some things that may be blocking your blessings! Be careful who you allow in your inner circle. For some, “Gossip & Idleness’ is a way of life. Don’t settle! Again I say; let God Lead you in “All Things” including your friendships. Ask God to remove the wrong people from your life and bring in the right ones.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Some of our friendships/relationships are bringing harm to us and we are not even aware. Get alone with God, and allow Him to speak into your spirit through His Word!  “Idle Conversations | Gossip;”  they are places where the devil can work in and through! Be Mindful | Be Intentional! Some things that we share with others, are best shared with God!

Find yourself in “Richer Relationships!” Ones that encourage, inspire & uplift! Ask yourself: Does this Relationship/Friendship bring me closer, or farther away from God (by grieving The Holy Spirit)? You have people who are depending on you, and a God-Given assignment to Fulfill!

I’ll leave you with this; “It’s quite simple. You have to be selective in order to be effective.” Now go, and affect change in your communities and in your environments (work | school | etc)! #Impact #MakeADifference