Bitter or Better? Great Question, Right? Our response to life can be very revealing as to the state of our hearts. Today’s study is on the “Parable of the Sower!” The Parable of the Sower (also known as the Parable of the Four Soils) can be found in Matthew 13:3-9, Mark 4:2-9 & Luke 8:4-8. The seed represents the Word of God, and the soil represents our hearts. And as I am sure some of you already know, there are 4 types of soil in this Parable.
The “Parable of the Sower,” was apart of yesterday’s reading in my journey through the Bible in a year. Here are a few of my notes (Hope this helps & add value to your personal faith journey);
The state of our hearts can determine how we receive the Word. Quick Disclaimer: We are all still Under Construction, so please do not allow this study to bring condemnation, but allow it to;
- Cause you to seek God as never before (By The Way Side Soil)
- Allow His Word to Increase your Faith to Faith that Remains & Bears much Fruit (Stony Ground Soil)
- Bring restoration to those of you who have allowed the cares of the world to choke His Word in your life. (Thorny Ground Soil)
- Challenge you to grow and bear fruit, and much more fruit with Patience (Good Ground Soil)
We are to use the Bible as a Mirror, to bring correction, and adjustment as He sees fit. Can you be honest with yourself for just a few minutes? If you can, ask yourself the following questions:
- What kind of soil is my heart?
- Have I become hardened to the things of God?
- Am I shallow in my commitment to Him and His work?
- Am I constantly distracted, burdened and defeated by sin and the cares of the world?
- Am I bearing the kind of fruit I should be bearing?
The Parable of the Sower concerns a sower who scatters seed, which falls on four different types of ground. The hard ground “by the way side” prevents the seed from sprouting at all, and the seed becomes nothing more than bird food. The stony ground provides enough soil for the seeds to germinate and begin to grow, but because there is “no deepness of earth,” the plants do not take root and are soon withered in the sun. The thorny ground allows the seed to grow, but the competing thorns choke the life out of the beneficial plants. The good ground receives the seed and produces much fruit.
Jesus’ explanation of the Parable of the Sower highlights four different responses to the gospel. The seed is “the word of the kingdom.” The hard ground represents someone who is hardened by sin; he hears but does not understand the Word, and Satan plucks the message away, keeping the heart dull and preventing the Word from making an impression. The stony ground pictures a man who professes delight with the Word; however, his heart is not changed, and when trouble arises, his so-called faith quickly disappears. The thorny ground depicts one who seems to receive the Word, but whose heart is full of riches, pleasures, and lusts; the things of this world take his time and attention away from the Word, and he ends up having no time for it. The good ground portrays the one who hears, understands, and receives the Word—and then allows the Word to accomplish its result in his life. The man represented by the “good ground” is the only one of the four who is truly saved, because salvation’s proof is fruit (Matthew 3:7-8; 7:15-20)
May our faith and our lives exemplify the “good soil” in the Parable of the Sower. God bless you all!!!!!