How do you view your sisters in Christ? In this month’s VLOG, we will be talking about 5 Women of the Bible, that anyone can be inspired by! In a world that encourages us to look at one another as competition, we need to decide not to compete but to celebrate. See...
Happy Tuesday Everyone! It only takes a moment for our lives to change, A new job. A new baby, A new diagnoses. The best moments are those where we encounter Christ, and when those encounters bring lasting change in our lives, and the life of those we love!...
All month long (April), we took a personal journey through “Health And Fitness.” Today, marks the end of that Journey. I will devote at least one VLOG a month to Health and Fitness, so stay tuned! In this VLOG, I share my testimony and tell you just why this subject...
Me: Dreaming, a Bigger Dream! Believing for total and complete restoration. #2ndHalfMarathon #Top5 All month long, we are taking a personal journey through “Health And Fitness.” Today our focus will be on healthy habits that will successfully propel us forward and...
What are you passionate about? #WhatsYourTop5 All month long we are talking about “Health and Fitness.” And Here’s what you can Expect (April 2017); I will be sharing my personal struggles (and triumphs), before and after photos, as well as taking you behind the...