About Marvlun:

Marvlun Reed
Author | Singer/Songwriter | Blogger
Marvlun Reed’s book, “Near The Cross,” and her Music CD (same title), reflects her passion for the written word and her unyielding desire to share her faith with others.” She is passionate about worshiping God, and leading others to the saving knowledge of Christ! Her desire is to see God’s Kingdom and Power manifest, and to see people set free, healed, and restored as they diligently pursue the Face of God!
She is passionate about the call to share the love of Christ with others through song and the written word. She is a true worshiper and a lover of the Word of God! Her book and songs are all Word based and Holy Spirit Inspired!
She has been blessed to share her testimony and minister in song to people around the world. She has appeared on Christian Television, Sung and Spoke at conferences, taught Sunday school, and an adult bible class entitled, “A Wife after God’s Own Heart. Marvlun Reed holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism from Columbia College Chicago and has completed her studies with “The International School of Ministry,” graduating in 2006.
Marvlun Reed has been blogging since 2009, and has found much success in doing so. God has open some amazing doors, and brought her before some very influential individuals. She now lives in Missouri with her husband, Terence. They have four children, and a german shepherd named, Maxie.