(Singing) “In the secret, in the quiet place. In the stillness you (God) are there. In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait only for you (Cause I want to know you more)” #Truth I love These Lyrics🎶 After all, it is in His presence where His truth is revealed....
Hey Guys, it’s that time of week again! #TuesdayBlogRelease #ExcitedAndReadyToShare It all comes down to one thing, “BELIEVE GOD!” That word resonated in my spirit from this past weekend’s sermon. #JanuarySermonSeries #NoLimitsCOTR How often do we say we believe God,...
Can you believe that we are just days away from the end of 2016, and the start of 2017? What are you believing the New Year will bring? For me, I am believing Big! For 2016: I have read some amazing books, and have learned some really valuable life-lessons this year!...
The Lord woke me up early this morning, and prompted me in my spirit to share this Word Of Encouragement with you; He is a Healer, And His Healing Mercies Are New Everyday! It is only for us, as believers to reach out and take hold of His Promises! #HeIsFaithful and...
Have you ever been faced with a very difficult situation, and responded incorrectly? With a wrong attitude? I have (hands raised way up! LOL) I am so thankful for God’s Amazing Grace, and for His newness that comes every morning! The psalmist says, “Create in me a...
Woke up this morning with a word from the Lord on my heart. He said, “Shine, and Shine Brighter.” I knew immediately (an inward witness), that it was a word he wanted me to share in this week’s blog. Check it out… “Consider the fact that maybe…just maybe…beauty and...