Food For Thought: “You did not choose me; I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit, the kind of fruit that endures.” Jesus (John 15:16) A Christian perspective to having a balanced life begins by examining our relationship with Christ! We can become so...
Food For Thought: “If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow!” What lessons have you learned in 2018? For Me; 2018 was an Amazing Year for our family (not without it’s challenges) but full of amazing...
The youngest Reed has graduated High School and is leaving for College in the Fall (2018). Our baby (affectionately known as baby J), is now preparing to take on new territory! #freshmenyearherehecomes The Reed’s are once again navigating the seas of change....
This week is the conclusion to “Think on These Things!” In Summary: Our Thoughts can either “Make or Break” us! When we align our thoughts with God’s, His peace which passes all understanding, will keep our hearts & mind through Christ Jesus! That kind of peace...
Think on These Things (Week 3) You may be asking, “why are thoughts so important?” I mean, “can’t we just allow our thoughts to be just that, our thoughts?” No! As believers, we need to be intentional! We need to live everyday intentionally! Our Thoughts can either...
Think on These Things (Week 2) During a recent sermon, our Pastor shared a golden nugget on “thoughts” with us. He stated; “When You Think Better, You Think Bigger!” #ThinkAboutThat Proverbs 4:23–26 instructs believers to, “above all else, guard your heart, for...