by Marvlun Reed | Jul 26, 2016 | Christianity, Faith, Family, Motivation, Quiet-Time Review
Woke up this morning with a word from the Lord on my heart. He said, “Shine, and Shine Brighter.” I knew immediately (an inward witness), that it was a word he wanted me to share in this week’s blog. Check it out… “Consider the fact that maybe…just maybe…beauty and...
by Marvlun Reed | Nov 12, 2015 | Faith, Motivation, Quiet-Time Review
I’ve been up since early this morning praying. The house is quiet, it’s just me & God. I am grateful for the opportunity to pray for/serve my family, pray for/serve my community, and to pray for/serve in my church. I get so much joy from serving/giving! Last night...
by Marvlun Reed | Jun 17, 2015 | Christianity, Faith, Motivation, Quiet-Time Review
There are distractions everywhere (pulling, tugging, and begging for our attention). In this day and age it takes real effort to stay focus. If you care anything at all about living a meaningful life, then it begins by becoming and Staying Focused on Christ. Living a...
by Marvlun Reed | Mar 14, 2015 | Faith, Family, Motivation
These last few Saturdays my youngest son has been up early, dressed, and ready to go. He’s Excited! The 3 on 3 basketball tournament is underway at our church. My little “Happy feet,” turned “Mr Buckets” has spent countless hours (years) learning the game, reading...
by Marvlun Reed | Mar 11, 2015 | Faith, Motivation, Quiet-Time Review
Everything we have comes from God and belongs to Him. We are responsible for using those resources so that they increase in value. As Christians, we have additionally the most valuable resource of all – the Word of God. If we believe and understand Him, and apply His...
by Marvlun Reed | Mar 9, 2015 | Faith, Motivation, Sermon Notes
Yesterday, our church hosted the “Ultimate Life Seminar” with Dr. Dave Martin. It was full of Golden Nuggets, and Useful Information! Here are my notes: Growth: It’s a Choice! It is not automatic Your commitment to grow today will brings success tomorrow Learn...