Here is the Full Video of the Song, “Joy to the World” featuring my youngest son, Jeremiah (mentioned on my last VLOG). It’s the words that really stand out to me… He wrote these lyrics (Rap Verse) along with our youth director at our home Church, Church on The Rock!...
This week is the conclusion to “Think on These Things!” In Summary: Our Thoughts can either “Make or Break” us! When we align our thoughts with God’s, His peace which passes all understanding, will keep our hearts & mind through Christ Jesus! That kind of peace...
A few weeks back, I felt led to share/post encouragement to parents…. and today I felt led to share again to this site: Today is a very special day for two of our children!!!! And My husband and I are pulling double duty to be available and support them both! He’s in...
Up this morning praying & interceding for us moms, and our children. A mother’s heart is always with her children (even when they are long gone from home/ young adults with their own families). Here are a few scriptural prayers for our children that I thought...
These past few weeks have been super busy, a true walk of faith! I haven’t had the opportunity to sit and blog, I mean really blog (though, I’ve been writing/studying, just not blogging). Mommy duties, Wife duties, Business-in-the-making duties, extra rehearsals...