Feed Your Faith | Starve Your Doubt

Feed Your Faith | Starve Your Doubt

Now, after weeks of exploring this whole friendship thing, I have a question for you? Have you ever heard of a Friend that sticks closer than a brother? His name, Jesus! The best friend a girl could ever have. #smile His very existence should bring you hope and...
Getting Better (Quiet-Time Review)

Getting Better (Quiet-Time Review)

Today’s Devotion | Golden Nuggets: “Better” is only satisfied when best is achieved, and only God can claim to be the best at anything. Better is a carrot for which we should all strive. We always need to be better husbands, better wives, better neighbors, better...
Joy In The Journey (Quiet-Time Review)

Joy In The Journey (Quiet-Time Review)

I am a goal setter (by nature), and I believe in working hard to be better than the person you were yesterday (always looking to grow, and to improve). One of my biggest pet peeve (other than gossip) is when others try to vilify, undermine or compete against those...