Do the words of your mouth and the attitude of your heart bring honor to the Lord? Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin once said, “Faith begins where the will of God is known.” You must know the Word of God in order to believe what the Word says. If you believe God’s Word, and use...
I know a lot of us are starting this year off with some very high expectations! My latest VLOG, “The Power of Expectation (A New Years’ Message | 2017) is now up on YouTube. #Excited All month long, we will be talking about The Power of Expectation! If this year is...
For some of us it comes down to just that; Starting our day off right! Each morning brings a fresh, new start and a world of endless possibilities. Do you embrace the new day with open arms? Or do you dread the day ahead? Have you ever had a bad day, and thought never...
Woke up this morning with a word from the Lord on my heart. He said, “Shine, and Shine Brighter.” I knew immediately (an inward witness), that it was a word he wanted me to share in this week’s blog. Check it out… “Consider the fact that maybe…just maybe…beauty and...
Up this morning praying & interceding for us moms, and our children. A mother’s heart is always with her children (even when they are long gone from home/ young adults with their own families). Here are a few scriptural prayers for our children that I thought...
I’m sitting here watching the Season Finale of The Voice (after a long, productive day). #writerslife I’m inspired by these amazing individuals who braved situations and circumstances to show up and be present on The Voice. #fearless It got me to thinking…. What makes...