How could one not be affected by those stories recounted on every news channel? “Shots Fired; Man Down (Broken Tail-lights), Shots Fired; Policeman Down (In the line of Duty)!” How could our hearts not ache for the loss of life, for their wives, their children, and for a community that has seemingly lost its hope? These were the shots that were heard around the world. Our heart’s cry, “Lord, we need you!”
At a young age, my father died at the hands of an unknown assailant; Six shots and there he lay, dead in a pool of blood. #gonewaytoosoon The pain for our family was unimaginable, and as so many of you, my heart goes out to those individuals who have lost loved ones in recent events. I am so thankful, that the Lord turned my mourning into dancing and my prayer is that He would do the same for these precious families, soon, in the not so distant future. Psalm 30:11
During our 4th of July Services(COTR), Pastor shared with us the importance of having “Bible Hope.” A Hope that is based on the Word of God (which is like an Anchor). Hope that will bring an Inner Strength and Confidence that will cause us to keep going, even when everyone else has given up. That kind of Hope (Bible Hope) can keep us from drifting, and from being tossed with every little situation and circumstance that may come our way!
Christ is the Only Real Answer! He has given us a Faith that overcomes the world. It is only for us to reach out and grab a hold of it! #ThereIsHopeInThePromiseOfTheCross #OurBestDaysAreAlwaysAhead
My Prayer: Father, In Jesus Name, bring healing to our Nation, and help us all to see the importance of us relying on You, Your Word, and Your Holy Spirit to mend the broken pieces in our communities. Only you can bring beauty from the Ashes, and it is only through you that we can receive a new heart. Psalm 51:10 Jesus, we need you to come, make the croocked ways straight, and bring Your peace in the midst of this storm. Satan, we bind you and cancel your assignment here on this earth. The Bible says in Matthew 18:18 that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth, will be loosed in Heaven. We bind the spirit of Racism, Revenge, and Hatred, and we loose Your love, Your peace and Your joy into these situations.
Father comfort the families that have lost loved ones, and help others see the value of coming together and lifting one another in prayer. In Jesus Name, Amen 2 Chronicles 7:14 #PrayerChangesThings #TogetherWeAreStronger #PrayingForOurNation #Revival #FromTheInsideOut