Did you know that what you think about Matters? Your thought-life can lead you to a more blessed life. A Blessed Mind, A Blessed Life! Check out my latest VLOG: Live Free, Live Full, Live Lite (Quiet-Time Review) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ujV9fIV7ok This...
I’m sure most, if not all of us have heard them (at one time or another), “Stories around the Campfire.” Whether funny, or scary, we’ve been captivated by the one who told the story. What imagination, what creativity it must have taken to tell the story in such a way...
Last month’s series at Church On The Rock (my home church), “Hear and Be Healed ” by Pastor David Blunt,” was an excellent series. We all have gone through some pretty interesting things in life (And that is putting it lightly). We have had our ups (promotions at...