by Marvlun Reed | Mar 29, 2016 | Christianity, Faith, Family
Bitter or Better? Great Question, Right? Our response to life can be very revealing as to the state of our hearts. Today’s study is on the “Parable of the Sower!” The Parable of the Sower (also known as the Parable of the Four Soils) can be found in Matthew 13:3-9,...
by Marvlun Reed | Mar 23, 2016 | Christianity, Faith, Family
We are just a few days away from our Easter Service at Church on The Rock, and I for one am very excited. All month long, Pastor has been teaching on “The Blessing,” and it has been one power-packed message after another. So Come Expecting! There will be something...
by Marvlun Reed | Mar 16, 2016 | Christianity, Faith, Family
Well guys, we’ve finally made it to the conclusion of our nine weeks study on the Fruit of the Spirit, and what an Amazing journey it’s been. I have certainly come away with some nuggets & truths that have been “Game Changers” for me as it relates to my Faith and...
by Marvlun Reed | Mar 9, 2016 | Faith, Family, Quiet-Time Review
Once God’s Spirit is at work within us, it produces the fruit of: “love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23 These virtues comes together to reflect the overall character of God! This week, our...
by Marvlun Reed | Mar 5, 2016 | Faith, Family, Quiet-Time Review
When first this journey began, I wasn’t at all sure of what to expect. I just knew that where the Lord guides, He provides. #freshmanna Like many of you, I was introduced to the Fruits of the Spirit as a young child during Vacation Bible School (VBS) and Sunday...