Truth is, Love is probably one of the most well-known Fruit of the Spirit, and yet one of the most misunderstood! As married couples, we declare our undying love for one another at the altar, only to watch it fade at the first sign of trouble. Could it be that our definition of love is somewhat skewed? Welcome to week 5, of our 9 week study on the Fruit of The Spirit. This week’s focus is on the Fruit of Love (as it relates to Faith & Family).
It only took one look into my husband’s eyes and I knew! It was love (birds, stars & all), but was it? we were so very young and in-LOOOOVE (or was it lust). Soon, we would find that real love involved real work, and not just a mere feeling! #ThankGodForHisAmazingGrace
I was a tad bit Feisty, and early on, our disagreements were very heated! We were learning to love in all the wrong ways (that story is for another time). But once we began to humble ourselves and truly seek after God, we both saw a change in each other. #Relationship #GodFirst
I want to encourage both my married, and single friends out there. I believe true love only comes from the Father, and In His presence, the true definition of Love is Revealed!
The love that is listed as the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22 is translated from the Greek word agape, used here to express the highest form of love that comes through the Holy Spirit.
What is love? Love is a great gift from God. The Bible tells us that love suffers long, is kind, does not envy, does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things and never fails (1 Corinthians 13).
“A marriage & a family that is built on the solid foundation of Christ, is a marriage and a family that is built to last, and stand the test of time!” says a couple that will be celebrating 28 years of marriage in just a few short months. #stillunderconstruction #totallydependentuponGod #HumbledByHisAmazingGrace #TeamReed