by Marvlun Reed | May 27, 2015 | Christianity, Faith, Quiet-Time Review
It’s the last official day of school for my youngest son (Freshmen Year). And As I was praying over his day; I heard the Lord whisper in my spirit, “Faith In Focus!” As moms, we believe the very best for our children, and if we are not careful; worry, doubt or even...
by Marvlun Reed | May 26, 2015 | Christianity, Faith, Family, mommy moments, Quiet-Time Review
A few weeks back, I felt led to share/post encouragement to parents…. and today I felt led to share again to this site: Today is a very special day for two of our children!!!! And My husband and I are pulling double duty to be available and support them both! He’s in...
by Marvlun Reed | May 26, 2015 | Christianity, Faith, Worship
Current Situation: Worship Music playing softly in my ear, while my heart is in pursuit of the King!” There in the stillness, I can discern His Presence! His love surrounds me, and all I can do is offer up Praise!! I’m usually asleep by this Time, but not Tonight!...